Here are the questions we are most frequently being asked.
Still have questions? Contact us>
Orders are shipped from our fulfillment centers in New Jersey or New York. Please allow 72 hours for order processing, and then depending on where you live your order should arrive within five to seven (5-7) calendar days after it is dispatched.
You will receive an automatic notification with tracking information as soon as your order is on its way!
We stand by our products, which is why we're proud to offer a 30 day satisfaction guarantee. Customers may return their products within 30 days of receiving their order (at the customer's expense). You must contact our customer support team for details and assistance with returning your product with an RMA request that will let us know to expect your return with an approved RMA Number. We will not accept returns without an approved RMA request with an RMA Number.
For approved returns please include the RMA Number and send it to:
[RMA Number]
234 W Brandon blvd #205,
Brandon, FL 33511, USA
Once your return arrives at our warehouse, our team will issue a refund in the original form of payment within 7-14 business days.
Yes! You have within 24 hours of purchasing your product to make any address changes. If you're outside of that window please contact our customer support team with the subject line "Urgent Address Change" and we will do our best to get it corrected for you in time.
You have within 24 hours of placing your order to cancel or make adjustments within your order. If you're outside of that window please contact our customer support team with the subject line "Urgent Order Change" and we will do our best to get it corrected for you in time.
In the rare instance that your order arrives defective/damaged we would be happy to replace your order free of charge. Simply contact our customer support team with a detailed description and we will gladly assist you.
In some cases we may as you for photo or video documentation to share with our manufacturing team to prevent this from happening in the future.